Let us never cease from thinking
2019, installation, 6 pullover, hand knitted and embroidered by the artist, salt, mirror.
Exhibition history: Ishokujuu, AbaArtLab Gallery, Palma, Mallorca, 2019
Clothing is one of humans basic necessities in life. As one of the most intelligent species of the planet, humans have been able to create throughout history from very simple to highly sophisticated tools that make it posible to create clothing in abundance. Also consumerism strategies and fashion models that are inherently unsustainable and are adding up to threatening waste problems and climate changes.
Through this art installation the artists invites the viewers to revision, where our power of intellect is leading us and if there is not a need of cleansing our systems, behaviors and intellect. The quote “Let us never cease from thinking” (Three Guineas) by the British author Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) has been hand embroidered by the artists on the pullover, which are floating in space, suspended as anonymous beings. The yarn used to hand knit the pullovers, belonged to a closed down textile factory in the coast of Catalonia, which was one of the textile industry hubs of Spain since the second half of XIX.
The pile of salt, as used in Japanese tradition at the entrance of the houses aiming for the purification and warding off devil spirits, is layered on a mirror and solicits revisioning, self-evaluation as the viewer looks into it.